How to:
Learn how to use a video camera with top advice from professionals in the film industry. A Sony handycam can be used to create beautiful, rich and long lasting images for all your special occasions. Reviewing your owner’s manual may offer some insight into how to use a video camera. However, there are some specific rules of thumb that will help you go beyond simple recording.
If you’ve always wanted to shoot videos like a pro, but never knew how, this online guide is for you. We provide easy tips for beginners who want to learn how to use a video camera. Find the most camcorder ratings with our online buyers guide. But first, read this insightful article on how to use a video camera, camcorder features, lighting kits and more.
Essential Film Tips :
We all want to create timeless recordings of our special memories, rich with thought and color and illuminated with natural looking lighting.
Modern camcorders seem to offer everything we need in one camera. However, you may discover that you cannot rely on technology alone to capture the shots you want. In fact, great camcorder features like automatic lighting, should only be considered as secondary resources.
Learning the basic techniques about filmmaking will aid you greatly in learning how to use your new camcorder. So, before you start shooting, there are a few rules of thumb to consider.
The essential techniques to filmmaking are as follows:
* Sound
* Lighting
* Camera angles
* Visual storytelling
Knowing how to tell a visual story is the number one technique you will need to master.
Begin by knowing what kind of story you are telling. Are you documenting a scientific event? Telling a love story between two people walking down the aisle? Or are you telling a story about a special day, like your child’s first birthday?
With any visual story, you must capture the physical actions which relay the story to the audience. Cross cutting between two separate aspects, or story perspectives, is a good way to keep your audience interested in your film.
Knowing the tone or theme of your visual story will help you choose the proper lighting and camera angles.
Here are a few common camera angles that can create dramatic tension:
* High angle
* Low angle
* Flat angle
Cameramen create stories with a series of shots like a long shot, establishing shot, medium shot and close up.
A long or establishing shot shows the viewers where they are, while medium shots reveal the action of the scene. A close up is generally used to convey important intimate moments, like reading vows at a wedding.
When you’re working with a camcorder, avoid the pitfalls of "the camera shake". Always use a tripod, only transferring to handheld when you’ve gained some experience.