This is an odd question and I don't know if this is the right forum but I can't seem to find a closer one for this question.
Is there any way to make the internal system speaker play back audio? Okay, it's strange. I had a 486 with Windows 95 on it and the system speaker played back system sounds and internet sounds and I didn't think twice about it. I got a Pentium with Windows 98 and it doesn't play back any sound (except that default little popping sound when you make an error). With Windows 95 I even used to use the little Sound Recorder to mix my own little sounds for the opening and closing of programs and other system events :) Now with Windows 98 I just get "Sound Recorder cannot record or play back because a sound device is not installed. To install a sound device, click 'Add New Hardware' in Control Panel."
Have Microsoft just made it that post Windows 95 you have to go out and buy speakers and a soundcard or is there any way to make the system speaker play back audio? I know the speaker does work because it plays back some sounds in games but not in IE or system sounds.
Thank you very much,
I have these set up with the smaller speakers on a shelf above the PC and the subwoofer tucked behind the monitor. Like this it offers a warm and friendly yet clear sound that is flexible enough to cope with music between 18th and 21st century with no problem. Likewise with DVD playback and PC games.
Will never compete with a dedicated hifi system
but for sticking in the back of a PC does the job well enough at a reasonable price.
There is a certain amount of leeway with speaker positioning but I think the two smaller speakers could be a little less tall and thin.